4.3 Lucifer and his henchmen (The Spirit World)

4.3 Lucifer and his henchmen (The Spirit World)
4.3 Lucifer and his henchmen (The Spirit World)

Jun 01 2024 | 00:14:14

Episode 43 June 01, 2024 00:14:14

Hosted By

Jill Loree

Show Notes

Why was the name Lucifer, which means light-bringer, given for the satanic power? Where is its scriptural origin?


In Isaiah it is said that God created good and evil. Did God create the evil forces and the Luciferic powers too?


A friend of ours who is a follower of Rudolf Steiner’s teachings said that there are not only two “kingdoms,” heaven and earth, good and evil, but three. According to this concept the earth is ruled by a being that is not Lucifer or the devil, but Ahriman, who is the ruler of matter and who is supposed to be more dangerous than Lucifer. Is this true?


The souls in the lower spheres are supposed to suffer much pain. How is it then that Lucifer, who is the worst of all evil spirits, does not seem to suffer? Is this just?

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